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Dichterhain, Bände 1 bis 4


Dichterhain, Bände 5 bis 8


Posts mit dem Label MIRE werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label MIRE werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Samstag, 17. November 2018

Fantasien zur Nacht (Video): MIRE


Festival Images & Reflet-Théâtre de Vevey, 2016
MIRE is a twelve dancer performance installation that presents itself as a corporeal kaleidoscope. Taking hold on movement so as to create an image that is as contemplative as it is disturbing. It also places the spectator-voyeur at the very core of the experience. The audience is led to observe female and male bodies multiplying through vertical slots of a surrounding all-encompassing structure, reminiscent of a zoetrope. The spectator can also lie on the ground and experience a living fresco reflected on the giant mirror located above the dancers. Their bodies are naked so that the textures of the flesh can be at once magnified and exalted. 
Subtext, being defined as an aesthetic gesture with baroque shades, questions our feelings toward beauty and perversion; this projects a vision where these contrasts could coexist in harmony.
Film: Jérôme Piguet - La Fine Equipe du 45
Music: Pablo Reche & mix: Jérôme Piguet