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Dichterhain, Bände 1 bis 4


Dichterhain, Bände 5 bis 8


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Posts mit dem Label Ballet werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 24. August 2015

Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2015: 4x4 Ephemeral Architectures - Dance, Physical Theatre and Circus (ballet, circus)

© Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society
4x4 Ephemeral Architectures
Dance, Physical Theatre and Circus (ballet, circus)

Assembly George Square Theatre (Venue 8)
17:30, Aug 19-24, 26-30, 1 hour 10 min
United Kingdom - England, Gandini Juggling 

'A show of elegant, wistful beauty' **** (Guardian). 'A splendid blend of talents imbued with both elegance and wit' **** (Times). Tracing pathways in space, four jugglers and four ballet dancers share a stage for the first time. Both these formalised systems are ephemeral journeys through time and space, leaving an unseen trace, like an imaginary architecture. 4 x 4 is a celebration of where these paths meet. Directed by world renowned juggler Sean Gandini, choreographed by the Royal Ballet's Ludovic Ondiviela, with original composition, Suspended opus 69, by Nimrod Borenstein.