Twin Shadow ist der Künstlername des amerikanischen Musikers George Lewis Jr., eine Anspielung auf seine Zwillingsschwester. Lewis wurde 1983 in der Dominikanischen Republik geboren und wuchs in Florida auf. MEHR
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Freitag, 23. August 2013
Good Sounds: TWIN SHADOW II, Five Seconds aus dem Album BY YOU

Twin Shadow
Five Seconds lyrics
I'll stick to your heart
Straight to your heart
I can't get to your heart
She said five seconds and you're high
Straight to your heart
I can't get to your heart
Thinking bout the right time
Talk in your head,
To be mine
Give you a sign
I don't believe in you
You don't believe in me
So how could you make me cry
Five seconds to your heart
Straight to your heart
I can't get to your heart
There's no way to get iron
Five seconds to your heart
Straight to your heart
I can't get to your heart
Five seconds to your heart s
Traight to your heart
I can't get to your heart
She said five seconds in your heart
Straight to the heart
I can't to your heart
You keep loosing on
On a stream
Could you feel
When it comes it sounds like
And when it comes we kiss
When it comes it sounds like
And when it comes we kiss
Five seconds in your heart
Straight to the heart
I can't get to your heart
She said five seconds in your heart
I can't get to your heart
That's no way to get it on
Five seconds in your heart
Straight to the heart I can't to your heart
I'm not trying to make you cry
I don't believe in you
You don't believe in me
So how could you make me cry
That's no way to get it on
I don't know why
But I'm not trying to make you cry
Five seconds in your heart
Straight to your heart
I can't get to your heart
Five seconds in your heart
Straight to the heart
I can't get to your heart
That's no way to get it on I don't know why
But I'm not trying to make you cry
Five seconds in your heart
Straight to your heart
I can't get to your heart
by you,
Five Seconds,
Good Sounds,
Good Sounds: TWIN SHADOW I, Castles In The Snow aus dem Album by you

Mit 14 Jahren - nach seinen Anfängen im Kirchenchor :-) - beginnt er mit Instrumenten zu experimentieren. Nirvana, David Bowie und Can sind erste Einflüsse, neben Punk Musik, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Boyz II Men, Keith Sweat und Bobby Brown. Schließlich landet er in New York – Brooklyn. Im Debütalbum "Forget" verbindet er Elemente der Achtziger und Einflüsse aus Chillwave und New Romantic zu verspielt-poppigen Sounds rund um Themen aus Florida. Mit Synthie-Pop und im Vorprogramm von Florence And The Machine geht's weiter, nicht zuletzt mit einer wohl beeindruckenden Performance auf dem Coachella in der kalifornischen Wüste. Im Juli 2012 erschien sein neues Album "Confess".
by you,
Castles In The Snow,
Good Sounds,
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