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Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013

Mach den Augentest auf dem New York Times Square um Mitternacht - ein aktuelles Oktoberprojekt von New Yorker Designern

Midnight Moment: "Eye Test" - 2x4 from AIGA/NY 

The AIGA/NY invited a select group of New York designers to submit videos for October’s Midnight Moment. Midnight Moment is the largest coordinated effort in history by the sign operators in Times Square to display synchronized, cutting-edge creative content on electronic billboards and newspaper kiosks throughout Times Square every night.
Of all the major muscles, the six that govern the movement of the eye are the most active and precise. Even when the body is at rest -- even asleep! -- the eye is in constant motion. So in honor of these most sportive of organs, Eye Test presents a visionary workout tape: An animation inspired by the abstract patterns and optical illusions utilized in eye exams, broadcast test patterns, color blindness tests and other objective measures of visual metrics.