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Dichterhain, Bände 1 bis 4


Dichterhain, Bände 5 bis 8


Posts mit dem Label Il Cor Tristo werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label Il Cor Tristo werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 18. November 2013

Neu bei ECM: The Hilliard Ensemble: Il Cor Tristo

The Hilliard Ensemble: Il Cor Tristo

One of the world’s finest vocal chamber groups, the Hilliard Ensemble, is unrivalled for its formidable reputation in the fields of both early and new music. The programme featured here exemplifies its distinctive style and highly developed musicianship in both repertoires. At its heart is a work commissioned by the ensemble from British contemporary composer Roger Marsh: Il Cor Tristo, a setting of cantos 32 and 33 from Dante’s Inferno, which deftly blends Renaissance techniques with a modern idiom. Marsh’s composition frames madrigals by 16th century composers Bernardo Pisano (1490-1548) and Jacques Arcadelt (c 1507-1568). As so often with the Hilliard singers, the transitions between “old” and “new” are seamless...


2013 Nov 21 - Milano: Duomo, Gesualdo Responsories, Italy
2013 Nov 25 - Vienna: Konzerthaus, Mozartsaal, Best of the HE, Austria
2013 Nov 26 - Ljubljana: Cankarjev Dom, Slovenia
2013 Dec 11 - London: Spitalfields Winter Festival, 40th Anniversary concert, United Kingdom
2013 Dec 12 - Paris: Oratoire du Louvre, France
2013 Dec 13 - Munich: Jesuitenkirche St. Michael, Germany