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Dichterhain, Bände 1 bis 4


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Posts mit dem Label World War Three has already started werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label World War Three has already started werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, 25. November 2015

Video: DOOMSDAY DIARY (World War Three has already started)

Doomsday Diary 

Time has come to shout louder than we have attempted so far about the catastrophes that we are already confronting and are likely to be facing even more defencelessly within the coming two decades. As we have been emphasising before, human population has now exceeded beyond the capacity which our planet can sustain, and as a dire consequence, earth’s climate has become not only unpredictable, but devastating, unleashing its wrath on the living as well as on the earth‘s very makeup itself. Scientific evidence is conclusive that all life on the planet is on the brink of extinction. We, despite our anthropocentric arrogance, are also deservedly in line for the biggest cull since the dawn of our species.

The more impalpable and even less understood manifestation of nature’s war against a rogue species is a society at war along tribal, cultural, religious and economic divisions, as we are now experiencing even in the richer west. No amount of bombing is going to contain the long-established hatred of the west amongst poorer nations, for centuries of exploitation and political meddling. Our recent, covert attempts to destabilise countries and to impose our evidently failed, political and economic model on them are now producing exceptional results in the form of economic and political migrants begging at our doorstep in their thousands, amongst whom are terrorists who are hell-bent on destroying our way of life. World War Three has already started, in case our politicians haven’t noticed the warnings yet, being out of touch with the reality as usual!

This film and our statement above might be derided as scaremongering by many, but we are convinced that Doomsday is in the horizon and that we do not have much time left even to decelerate the inevitable, let along to reverse it. ’Doomsday Diary’ is our most important, online video yet, and we sincerely hope that you would take notice of its message as a matter or urgency. We also hope that the copyright holders of the footage used would generously allow us to keep playing this video here for the benefit of everyone and everything.