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Dichterhain, Bände 1 bis 4


Dichterhain, Bände 5 bis 8


Posts mit dem Label This Place (Oregons Küste) werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label This Place (Oregons Küste) werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 19. Mai 2014

Kurzfilm: This Place (Oregons Küste)

This Place 

In the first release of This Place, we explore the Oregon Coast through a short film and series of interactive vignettes. We take to the road to get to the heart of the questions, “What makes the Oregon coast unique?” And “Why do so many people consider it not just special, but sacred?”
From its local inhabitants to its visitors, the Oregon Coast means different things to different people. This Place is a portrait of the coast as seen through the eyes of a few who cherish it.