(msn) Der 32-jährige spanische Rapper Pablo Hasél wurde wegen seiner radikalen Texte gegen das spanische Königshaus, insbesondere wegen der Verherrlichung von Terrorismus sowie Verleumdung und Beleidigung der spanischen Krone und staatlicher Institutionen zu 9 Monaten Haft verurteilt. Juan Carlos I., der sich nach Korruptionsvorwürfen nach Abu Dhabi abgesetzt hat und gegen den die spanische Justiz ebenfalls ermittelt, schimpft er einen "Parasiten". Die Texte von Pablo Rivadulla Duró, wie er bürgerlich heißt, strotzen vor Umsturzgedanken, Anklage, Gewalt gegen und Ablehnung des politischen Systems und seiner Organe. Polizisten betrachtet er als "beschissene Söldner", die im Auftrag Demonstranten und Migranten töteten. Hasél hatte sich mit Dutzenden von Mitkämpfern in der Universität der katalanischen Stadt Lleida verbarrikadiert. Am 16.02.21 wurde Hasél von der Polizei aus der Universität abgeholt.
Der Rapper beruft sich auf die Meinungsfreiheit und wird dabei von mehr als 200 Künstlern – darunter der Filmregisseur Pedro Almodóvar – unterstützt. Tatsächlich hatte Spaniens Regierung bereits vor einer Woche eine Reform des Strafrechts angekündigt, in deren Rahmen "verbale Exzesse im Rahmen künstlerischer, kultureller oder intellektueller" Aktionen nicht mehr unter das Strafrecht fallen sollen. Menschenrechtsgruppen und Kritiker hatten das Recht seit 5 Jahren diskutiert und angeprangert.
Communist (Das Original mit Erläuterungen zu den politischen Verhältnissen ist unten verlinkt)
I'm a Communist for many reasons.
Especially because, after educating myself
I realized that Socialism is the only viable means
To affect large scale changes (in society).
We won't allow the achievements of Socialism to be forgotten
Because there were so many
And they helped so many people.
I'm a Communist like a Bolshevik stabbing a czar
Because no one has the right to exploit others
Because Socialism is a change from the roots up,
Not just an aid band over a wound that must be healed
I'm a Communist like day labourers taking land
To collectivize it, while dreaming of dead Duchesses*
Because the land should belong to those who work it
So we will take them from the nobility by any means necessary.
I'm a Communist like José Manuel Sevillano*
Who died in a hunger strike though he was not a maggot
Refusing to be paid in dollars, unlike those mercenaries*
Fuck off, State, we refuse to let him be forgotten.
I'm a Communist like Che Guevara, who was killed in the jungle
When he could have left a comfortable bourgeois life;
He was the pinnacle of Communism
Remember his beliefs and his example, not just the myth.
I'm a Communist like Karl Marx who, though not a worker,
Fought for those who worked incessantly all day long
The value of his work is beyond any measure
And yet, there are some who dare to try and discredit him.
He put all his efforts into developing a theory
That would benefit the vast majority of people,
Thus dealing a mortal blow to the bourgeoisie, that won't recover
For, sooner or later, we'll destroy their rotten morals.
I'm a Communist like Lenin, who devoted his entire life
To causing grief to the bourgeoisie and making workers succeed
Moving the masses with sharp speeches
And expanding the Revolution from the cities to the countryside,
Building a common class consciousness, hating oppressors
Is the basis for building a better world.
With his arguments, he managed to build something from rage:
Let's be his labouring words, like his exile in Finland*
Freedom means equal opportunities
We'll get rid of the idea "so much you own, so much you're worth"
Democratic laws should serve the people
And that's why I rebel against this abuse of power.
I'm a Communist because you can't eat Metaphysics
And humanity needs a radical change, from the roots up
Anti-racists, anti-misogynists, we demand evolution
Scientific socialism, Marxism-Leninism.
I'm a Comunist like Stalin being the terror of the bourgeoisie
Stopping the reactionaries in the way it had to be done
If he hadn't done that, the Nazis would've invaded them
You can't stop Fascism by putting your hands up
He was an exemplary leader: corrupt people went to the gulag
Let's bring back the equal society he commanded
That's why, in spite of the manipulation, he still is
A hero to millions of Russians who want to be free.
Without the Capitalist yoke, free of those who betrayed him
Khrushchev deserves a kalashnikov up his arse*
Today, children in Moscow sniff glue
They sleep in the streets while limousines drive by
With wealthy mafiosi inside; the CIA applauds.
Millions spent on anti-Communist propaganda and lots of fraud
But many of us refuse to believe in their lies
We do our research and make sure that their memory lives.
I'm a Communist like Ramon Mercader, who killed that rat Trotsky*
Who had less worth than a PP militant in Donosti*
Many Capitalists sing his praises
Because they are not afraid of his reformist approach
They always say that Stalin was evil
Because the application of Marxism-Leninism has put and end to their privileges
Trotskyism is an instrument of imperialism
Fidel Castro said it best: Trotskyists sell their Communist friends
Just like Santiago Carillo in the farce of the Transition*
Die already with your lies, pathetic friend of the Bourbon king
Capitalism has never gone after these people
Because it needs their falsehoods; they are its friendly promoters
I'm a Communist like Engels, who was wealthy
But chose not to be another exploiter and, with Marx,
Used his intellectual prowess to help the hungry
And not to become even wealthier thanks to their suffering.
Freedom means equal opportunities
We'll get rid of the idea "so much you own, so much you're worth"
Democratic laws should serve the people
And that's why I rebel against this abuse of power.
I'm a Communist because you can't eat Metaphysics
And humanity needs a radical change, from the roots up
Anti-racists, anti-misogynists, we demand evolution
Scientific socialism, Marxism-Leninism.
I'm a Communist like the glorious Red Army
With every anti-fascist song I write, I'm honouring them
If it hadn't been for them, maybe we'd all be speaking German
With our right arms up. They gave their lives up for Freedom
We cannot forget them, like the International Brigades
Who came here to stop the fascists
Yet Hollywood doesn't make films about them
Even though they are among the greatest heroes in history.
A Communist like Neruda and his love song to Stalingrad*
Every soldier killed by the Nazis was a poet
I thank snipers like Ivan Sidorenko*
Over 500 racists were killed by his weapon
I'm a Communist like Mao and his Cultural Revolution
He was merciless with those who wanted to enslave peasants
Even today, he's the inspiration for many guerrillas
Who refuse to work in sweatshops for murderous corporations.
It's a pity that so very fell value his legacy in China
And the most brutal Capitalism has managed to invade them
Their Communist party is about as red as our PSOE is socialist*
They need another revolution
Mao said that insurrection isn't a banquet
It can't be so calm, refined and elegant
It's a violent act in which the working class gets rid of the others
We must keep fighting, even if defeat is likely.
Power is born from the firearm's mouth
NATO knows it, that's why it tries to invade other countries
Salvador Allende forgot this and without an armed Left
Pinochet made a coup d'état helped by the White House*
I'm a Communist like Vietnam, kicking out the United States
This is an example of what a combative nation can achieve
Not even Agent Orange could against their bravery
Let's humiliate every yankee murderer who massacred innocents
Freedom means equal opportunities
We'll get rid of the idea "so much you own, so much you're worth"
Democratic laws should serve the people
And that's why I rebel against this abuse of power.
I'm a Communist because you can't eat Metaphysics
And humanity needs a radical change, from the roots up
Anti-racists, anti-misogynists, we demand evolution
Scientific socialism, Marxism-Leninism.