TEUFELSKINDER von Jules Amedée Barbey D'Aurevilly

Samstag, 24. April 2021

Fantasien zur Nacht (Video): Boomer Trinity von Peter Sparling


Boomer Trinity from Peter Sparling

Born in 1951 and raised under the imminent threat of nuclear bombs dropping while sitting in first my grade classroom, I shared with my generation a certain sense of compromised mortality and dread tempered with an existentialist agnosticism. The closest I approached to any idea of trinity was a Francis Bacon triptych, Freud’s theory of the id/ego/superego, the sensation of leaving my own body and watching the two “me’s” interact from a slight distance, or a somewhat tacky ode to 60’s youth in a ballet by Gerald Arpino in which three men in colorful tights perform pyrotechnics to rock music. Frank Pahl’s music initially inspired this trio, shot against greenscreen then edited against a vintage film find from the fabulous Prelinger Archives.

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