TEUFELSKINDER von Jules Amedée Barbey D'Aurevilly

Montag, 29. April 2019

World of Planes: Gummiband-Antrieb-Meister Caudron C.460 - Bewegungstherapie für die Wiese

Series of flights by legendary Dave Rees' award winning 24" rubber-powered free-flight Caudron C.460. Includes archival photos and footage. This model was built in 1982 by Dave, but had not flown since the early 90s. Dave's models were donated by the Rees family to many Flying Aces Club friends, with the intention of keeping them flying! This bird soars!! Miss you, Dave! The FAC can't thank you enough for all that you have given to the free-flight community. Photos and film by Tom Hallman & Pete Kaiteris. Music: "In God's Hands" by David Nevue. More info about rubber-powered modeling at http://www.flyingacesclub.com, http://www.easybuiltmodels.com/ and http://www.volareproducts.com/BUY/
The Dave Rees plan for the Caudron C.460 is available for a fee via Carstens Publications and Flying Models Magazine. https://store.flying-models.com/catal...

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