TEUFELSKINDER von Jules Amedée Barbey D'Aurevilly

Freitag, 26. April 2019

Fantasien zur Nacht (Video + Gedicht): Muse Too VI von Keith Brighouse

Jane Cain reading Muse Too VI from the 
poetry collection Muse of Keith Brighhouse

my idle mind muses
with an artist's discriminating eye
upon your perfect imperfections
classic beauty is the stuff of gods
icons that sneer at world 
untouchable, obsessive and idolatry
plinths are made for them
soft grass is made for you

I have no need for worship
of such unworldly gifts
cold comfort is no comfort
porcelain skin merely porcelain
cold, hard and odourless
I require flesh that gives
skin that responds to mine
friction igniting carnal love

let classic beauty wilt
under its burden of pomposity
let its sexless tyranny go unloved
for who can approach such perfect art
I adore your imperfections
unique, delinquent, expressive
forgive me for pointing out
my delight in your imperfections


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