TEUFELSKINDER von Jules Amedée Barbey D'Aurevilly

Mittwoch, 29. März 2017

Dance in Berlin: Carnival of Cultures + Sensual Dance

Carnival of Cultures + Sensual Dance

02|03|04 June 2017 in Berlin

Let's fall deeply in love with sensual rhythms during one of Berlin’s most colorful weekends of the year! Enjoy the multi-cultural atmosphere in the great city of Berlin, with a diverse program...
– Sensual Bachata and Kizomba Workshops
– Parties & Social Dancing
– Dance-Flashmob at the Carnival of Cultures!

The Karneval der Kulturen (Carnival of Cultures) is a four-day urban festival that reflects Berlin’s many faces. On the street-fest stages and the off-stages, world-renowned and up-and-coming bands and artists perform a variety of music styles: from reggae over chanson to classical sitar-music. 
We are happy to present our artists & DJs
Have a break at Whitsuntide!
You live in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Hungarian, Denmark or Switzerland? Then you can enjoy the weekend entirely, because Monday is a holyday for you! And remember that prices go up soon! ;-)

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